The theme for the day: "Angels watch over children and fools" (emphasis on fools). We took the train and exited what we thought would be the stop by our hotel. We began walking, following the directions we had. After 1 hour we were still searching for the hotel. The area was old and beautiful with winding streets but no street signs. Our phones had died so all we had was our paper map.
It was starting to get dark and we began to panic as we tried to find a main street to ask someone for directions. We came across a lawn mower repair shop and asked the owner if he could direct us to our hotel. He spoke very little English so we pointed to the map. He looked quizzically at us and asked, "How you get here?" We explained that we had taken the train several hours before.
He told us we were at least 10 miles from the hotel. We asked if he could help us get a cab. He replied, "I take you." He loaded up our luggage in his car and drove us 30 minutes away. Turned out we had gotten out at the wrong train station! When we arrived we asked him if we could pay him or take him out to eat. He declined and said, "No, no. Welcome to Berlin" and hugged us.
Angels watch over children and fools...