Monday, April 17, 2023

Thoughtfulness and Other Things

I went to UPS today to return some Amazon things. I had an armful as I approached the door. I young girl in front of me just went in without holding the door.  This reminded me of Q. He was taught to hold the door for anyone. He also opened the car door for me and his grandmother. He always said please and thank you. Q placed his napkin on his lap before eating.  When we finished a meal he would get up and help loading the dishwasher. Q always said, “I love you” once a day. People ask me how I am now that I don’t have Q. These are the small things, sweetness and thoughtfulness that I miss most. You raise a child to a young man and suddenly he is gone in the blink of an eye. Despite this you will always have the memories that are imprinted on your mind.