Thursday, November 21, 2019

My life is fluid at present. Fluidity is not a bad thing; however, it can be an anxious thing. I currently do not know where Q. will be deployed as he’s now been assigned to be a combat engineer. Stateside in Texas or Missouri or overseas in Poland or Korea. Fortunately he is happy about being chosen as a combat engineer. It will involve additional training but provide him more transferable skills should he chose to separate from the Army in 2 years.
I drove Q. to DFW airport yesterday at 3am. His flight to El Paso leaving at 10:20pm had been cancelled the night before, so we drove home from the airport and waited. Q. got on his flight the next morning. He is now is processing as he missed much of it to return home to Mom’s funeral.
Fluidity: I am not certain where I’ll live in the next year. Portugal, Washington state with my dear friend whom I've know for 50 years and is my true sister. Or will I relocate to El Paso to buy a house and provide a home base for Q?
Fluidity in my career. I was offered a full-time position with the EAP but am negotiating salary at present. I am working 60 hours per week as I’m balancing this position with the local nonprofit. Should I take the fulltime position at 40 hours per week or should I divide my time between the two and work 60 hours per week?
Fluidity. The good thing is that at the end of the day I can shut it down. I put it out to the Universe when I go to bed. I know that ultimately all will be as it should be. The thing is, every thing changes. People and places depending on how much you need you need them, and, more importantly how much they need you.