Friday, January 11, 2019

How very blessed...

I am sitting here after having returned from a 3-week journey across Portugal and southern Spain.  Perhaps it is because I have been up for 2 days of travel in returning home which causes me this moment of reflection.  Perhaps it is because my son and I are finally able to decompress with our sweet Sadie and sweet Todd.  I have missed them greatly.  I am tearful tonight. I am having my second glass of wine and I am unashamedly tearful as I realize have fortunate I am.  I may not have that picture-perfect Hallmark family of which the media and society tell us that we must have. I have unabashedly chosen to remove myself from those that do not accept a life which is tied to the external material existence.  I do, however, have a few family and friends which I hold quite close to my heart.  We have not been without the turmoil that is natural to those who we hold most dear, yet we are bonded.  Fiercely, loyalty, lovingly always.  I am stuck so strongly that it nearly takes my breathe away.  I realize in this moment so clearly, so beautifully, how I am very blessed.