Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Making it through...

I had a friend that shared with me that his friend opted out of this world. They had served in the Marine Corps and had experienced things which we could never comprehend as we set safely in our insulated bubbles.

My friend and I texted back and forth about this.  My response: "I'm glad you felt you could share this with me. I have thought about this many times-of the things you guys have seen and maybe cannot be unseen.

We all struggle with our demons. Some take human form, some are those nightmares we have which can climb out of our unconscious when we are sleeping. I know for myself that I cannot dwell in those dark corners too long.

You asked me awhile back why you didn't put an end to your story when times got dark. I asked you to give me some time to think about it. The short answer is this-maybe you have it in your DNA to be in the light. That if you just make it through that dark period that there will be enough of someone or something to make you want to stay.

But what do I know? I'm just a skinny, middle aged, white woman from Iowa just trying to make it through. It is not a bad life if you have a few good family and friends, a few good times, and a few good memories yet to be had."