Saturday, October 27, 2018

It is not your time/you have so much left to do…

A dear friend was recently in a severe automobile accident.  It was so severe that his 20+ year old pickup made of steel was totaled.  When he called me today to inform me of the accident, he said that he was fortunate to not have any broken bones.

We picked up on the topic which we had discussed in the not so distant past. He had stated that although he didn’t truly feel he was invincible, he always managed to escape death, sometimes by a very narrow margin.   

Here’s the thing that struck me about his good fortune in escaping the odds. Simply put, I think that it was not and is not his time.  When an individual sidesteps death on so many occasions, chances are that he/she has life yet to live. In a word, there are experiences yet to be undertaken. 

So I told him, it is not your time/you have so much left to do.